Well, both of the major American political parties have wrapped up their annual conventions. The candidates for the 2024 presidential election are set. Much has changed since 2020. And much remains the same. American Christians are starting to wake up to two realities:
Significant cultural movements are growing in the US that are directly opposed to the Word of God.
There is a treasure trove of centuries of writing on political theology that the church has neglected (but is recovering).
Professors Bryan Laughlin and Doug Ponder have penned our most recent article at Sola Ecclesia to help reconcile these two realities. In the process, they address a theology of political engagement and errors the church has made in the past (and still makes). They then provide answers to common objections that Christians have about politics. They conclude by answering the question, “How, then should we vote?”
Whether you’re confused about Christian political engagement or pretty sure what your stance is, you’ll benefit from this lengthy essay. We’ve even heard of churches using this article in small group studies to help foster conversation around these issues.
Give it a read.