The leaves are starting to fall in Virginia and our Grimké seminary students are reaching the mid-point of their fall semester. We’re also welcoming several of you to this newsletter as we’ve seen an uptick in sign ups. If you’re new, welcome! As a reminder, this is where I provide a few (hopefully brief) updates on what we’ve been doing at Sola Ecclesia—the online theological journal of Grimké Seminary and College. And yes, if you missed the announcement, we are now Grimké Seminary and College. We are in the midst of enrollment for our inaugural course launch of Grimké College in mid-January of 2023. Sola Ecclesia, as a theological journal, is expanding to serve both our seminary and college students. This newsletter is where you’ll get updates on what we’ve published, my editor’s take on all the happenings in around Grimké, and a behind the scenes look at theological publishing at an academic institution.
What You May Have Missed
We have published three outstanding posts since our last newsletter update:
The Grimké Brotherhood: A Seminary Family, Justin Honaker: This is Justin’s third post about his experience as an inaugural graduate from the MTS program at Grimké Seminary. In this short essay, Justin describes the community that he found among his fellow students.
Is Sermon Application Legalism?, Matt Cohen: Matt is the pastor of City Light Church in Philly and Dr. Merida’s teaching assistant. In this short post, Matt continues his series on sermon application. Contrary to the antinomianism that has creeped into some sermon preparation advice, Matt shows how application is the biblical culmination of exegesis and preaching.
The Power of Song and Testimony in Church Tradition, Brian Key: In this longer essay, professor Key provides a stirring recollection of how the songs and testimonies of his church tradition have sustained him throughout his growth in grace.
Grimké Said
About preaching, Francis J. Grimké said:
“In preaching are we seeking to impress the truth, or to impress ourselves upon others, to draw men's attention to Jesus Christ or to ourselves? Too often it is of ourselves that we are thinking; and this is one reason why, though we may preach brilliant and eloquent sermons, they are attended with so little results in the development of Christian character, in the building up of those who listen in faith and holiness. The preacher's aims should be to get such a clear conception of the truth, and should be so impressed with its value, its importance, that in his effort to present it, he will not only lose sight of himself, but his hearers also will, in thought of the truth. It is of no importance whatever that our hearers should think of us, but it is important that they should think of the truth of God presented." —Francis J. Grimké, The Works of Francis J. Grimké, Volume 3
Don’t Miss
Sign up to attend our inaugural Pastors’ Conference that will conclude our second intensive of the fall semester on Nov. 16–18. We’ll be meeting at the Midtown campus of Remnant Church in Richmond, VA. We hope you’ll join us.