This will be a short update. But I couldn’t let the week end without thanking everyone who visited Sola Ecclesia on our launch week and signed up to receive these updates—a hearty welcome to you all. I know your email inbox real estate is precious; thank you for making some room for SE.
We’ll be publishing several essays in the coming weeks that you’ll want to read. John Calvin was one of the most fruitful and gifted theologians the church has produced. But have you ever wondered what he thought about friendship? Or even more interesting, have you ever wondered: what kind of friend was he? Dr. Aaron Lumpkin wrote an essay examining Calvin’s thoughts on and experience with friendships. Speaking of the work of gifted theologians, some scholars, especially Dr. James Eglinton, are taking a renewed interest in the writings of the Dutch Calvinist Herman Bavinck. Dr. Chet Harvey submitted an essay for SE that detailed how Bavinck engaged with the scholars of his day on the theory of evolution and what lessons we can learn from his example. Lastly, have you ever heard people debate the relative priority that different aspects of gathered worship should take—prayer, singing, sacraments, preaching? Dr. Tony Merida tackles that topic in an upcoming essay as he advocates for the primacy of preaching in corporate worship.
As an editor, these types of essays are a joy to edit. They both challenge and encourage me, and I look forward to sharing them with you in the weeks to come.